Portfolio Projects
A Community project to help user stay healthy, get Health and Diet tips/advice and Covid 19 prevention tips
- User can view list of health conditions with symptoms,causes,tratments
- User can view list of health tips and details
- User can view list of meals and recipes by Diet choice
- User can see Covid 19 prevention tips
Libraries Used
- Dagger Hilt
- Retrofit
- Cloud Firestore
- Preference DataStore
- ViewModel
- LiveData
- ViewBinding
- Lottie
- Coroutines
- Navigation Components
- Timber
- Shimmer
Source code
An android app to keep track of covid 19 case statistics, News and show preventive measures
Library Used
- Retrofit
- Gson
- Picasso
- WorkManager
- Coroutine
- Koin
- ViewModel
- LiveData
- Navigation Component
- Room
- ViewBinding
Source code
This app allow users to search for popular and top-rated movies from User can view trailers, movie reviews, overview and like movies to view offline
- User can view most popular and most rated movies
- User can view and play trailers on youtube
- show list of reviews for each movie
- Shows movies overview
- MVVM android-architecture with Room, ViewModel,Livedata,Rxjava
- ViewBinding,ConstraintLayout
Source Code
Project Overview
This app provides you with news headlines happening around the world,with options to select specific country and news categories from
- MVVM Android Architecture with Room Livedata and ViewModel
- Bottom Navigation with Jetpack Navigation Component
- Material Design Theme
- Networking with Retrofit
- ConstraintLayout
- ViewPager 2
- Users can search for any topic
- Users can check headlines from specific country or category
- User can share headline Url with friends
- User can mark a headline as Favorite and view offline
Source Code